2022Bert Kaempfert Baby Elephant Walk.mp3

As Star Wars fans know, 
"May the fourth" sounds like
the infamous line from the films,
"May the force be with you." The
phrase was often used by the
characters to wish individuals good
luck in the face of impending
danger - expressing that the
Force work in their favor. I've
always liked Star Wars. It is a 
legend in its own time. My son
grew up with it, so we never missed
one single showing. Now, who
does not need some good luck?
We all do! 
So, "May the 4th be with you."

Oh my goodness, how peaceful

Teaching to share, a good thing.

And how nice of her to bring 
him a flower!

Now that is one big candy bar,
and sharing, the way it
should be!

No words, priceless

This just gets cuter every time I look
at that sweet kitty peeking.

Peaceful - in volumes.

The simple things mean the most.

I do love it when you share. Let
every one you know who might
enjoy my Daily Dose. Share with
groups, family, friends, the
world. I thank you for that. 

It's bubble-blowing weather!

Yes, real places. 
Wishing the walls could talk.

It's a T-Pot Party!!
Hop to it!

Whew - fancy-dancy!

I do have a guestbook now.
Let me know you were here.
Please sign, just click on
"guestbook below"

Email me anytime. 

Hello - I do accept donations to help pay for this
website. I would truly like to thank those that
have donated and continue to do so. It helps me
a lot and is most appreciated. 
I could use free ones, but this one is very user
friendly for an ole fart like me, so I pay. It helps me make
these neat things happen on my pages. So, if you feel
led to donate, just click on the donate button above 
and know that is my heart saying thank you if you do.
This is thru PayPal, a safe place. They been around
for a while. A lot of business(s) use them I know.
Or .... simply e-mail for a mailing address for me.
Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
No given amount of anything is ever too small 
for anything or anyone.

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They are in harms
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for YOU & ME

Stay tuned for another page, 
hopefully soon!!