Since 2001
From email, to reaching a low with cancer, not once but twice, and retiring, volunteering and caring for our home to a full-blown website which I pay to maintain. Wow!
So, here is my story and how it unfolded.
Hello - one day many years ago while sitting at my first computer and learning to send email, I thought I would try and embed some cute and pretty things I discovered into my email sends. It did not take me long to realize that the Internet seemed like an endless flow of it all! I was captivated and it did not take me long to feel like I was becoming addicted to this machine! I couldn't get enough. It was big, the tower I mean, but I had a very small screen. Today I look at a amazing 70-inch screen. My son, the computer wiz I call him today, quickly learned and educated himself over the years and he now sells computer equipment to large companies and so forth. He taught me and supplied me with upgraded computers over the years to finally two years ago I now work off a simple laptop that does just what I need and no more or no less.
So, I began, creating these emails to a few friends and to family members. My knowledge improved as I discovered many things and how to make the things work to be creative in my sends. I found a little program that lets me do many things with an image. Each image today I resize, I frame and add and delete, and make every image transparent so it can be put on backgrounds if you like. I have always encouraged everyone to use anything I publish. I claim nothing to be my own, and consider it sharing at its finest. I taught myself 90% of what I do today by trial and error. Google has helped me as well. I at one time had over 400 on my mailing list and then cancer arrived in my life. It slowed me down and I lost interest - and quit doing my Daily Dose for several or more years. I lost count. My life became busy then with volunteering at a local health care facility at the front desk and my husband and I volunteered at a program called Community Watch where we patrolled the community and reported anything we felt was suspicious, etc. I since then have quit volunteering in both. I lost interest in the Daily Dose. Not sure if it was burn out or what, but I just knew I couldn't and didn't feel like keeping up with it any longer. It takes a lot of hours to do, each one. I needed to step away, so I did. I found it more work than pleasure, so the pages quit. I've never closed the group mailing, and now I am climbing to nearly 300 readers on each page again trying my best to publish a new page Monday thru Friday.
I do plan on taking breaks, as they are needed. It inspires me so to do them, I love creating and there is soooo much out there to share! When I took my mailing to the Internet website, I wondered if I could continue to afford it? But I plugged on, hoping I could and with the help of donations and sometimes family pitching in I've been able to keep it going and I am so happy about that. It has become "my calling" or feels like that anyway. . The emails, the guestbook entries all help to inspire me more than anyone can or could know. So, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me, and sharing me! Wow, thank you, thank you! Some of you have been with me for a very long time and that truly inspires me as well. From what I have been able to find out, the oldest Daily Dose was published by email in 2001. So for a little over 20 years! Wow.
So! This is my story, and I will stick with it as long as the good Lord is willing .....
Thank you for reading.

I will be taking a break
from publishing pages
Monday, Sept 12th thru Friday, Sept 16th
Normal mailings will begin again on
Monday, Sept 19th, 2022
Thank you