Carpenters - For All We Know.mp3
My favorite bird
Photos with the American flag
always catch my eye. Fly yours proudly
Oh my heart. A precious photo
One step at a time.
Don't compare yourself to people
who are on a different journey.
The journey you travel is what
He had and has put you on.
Trust it.
Always like the black and white checkered
pattern, no matter in what form or shape.
One would have to wonder just
how long this heart has been here.
Sunflowers warm my heart
What a beautiful color
Wow, just wow
I quote others ....
to better express myself.
Thank you for visiting.
Again ..... happy trails to you!
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"Thank you"
Thank you for joining me today. More than ever,
I feel we all need my pages for a diversion maybe?
Some happy, some silly, or just to be inspired?
Please share my pages.
God bless us all.
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Hello - I do accept donations to help pay for this
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have donated and continue to do so. It helps me
a lot and is most appreciated.
I could use free ones, but this one is very user
friendly for an ole fart like me, so I pay. It helps me make
these neat things happen on my pages. So, if you feel
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and know that is my heart saying thank you if you do.
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Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
No given amount of anything is ever too small
for anything or anyone.
Stay tuned for
another page,
hopefully soon!!
*I claim nothing to be mine.
Credit goes to respected artists.
If I have used anything
that you do not want here, please let me
know and I will remove it immediately.
It was NOT intentional.
"Thank you."