Dutch Symphony Orchestra Lying Eyes (Instrumental) (1).mp3


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friends, the world.
I thank you for that.

Who Remembers?

Cuteness Overload here!

Nothing sweeter - Mom's apron

Don't forget your flip flops!

Love me some strawberries


I have the one that we had on the farm. I
do remember Dad lighting it to make his
way thru the barn at nite.







A sure favorite of mine. The
front porch!


It's okay to be confused, it’s where you
begin to learn new things.
Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal.
Be frustrated, it’s where you start to
make more authentic decisions.
Be sad, because if we are brave
enough we can hear our heart’s
wisdom through it. Be whatever you
are right now. No more hiding.
You are worthy, always.

Thank you for joining me today. More than ever,
I feel we all need my pages for a diversion maybe?
Some happy, some silly, or just to be inspired?
I will be adding and changing things most days.
I want to keep your attention. :-)
Please share my pages.
God bless us all.

I do have a guestbook now.
Let me know you were here.
Please sign, just click on
"guestbook below"

Email me anytime.

Hello - I do accept donations to help pay for this
website. I would truly like to thank those that
have donated and continue to do so. It helps me
a lot and is most appreciated.
I could use free ones, but this one is very user
friendly for an ole fart like me, so I pay. It helps me make
these neat things happen on my pages. So, if you feel
led to donate, just click on the donate button above
and know that is my heart saying thank you if you do.
This is thru PayPal, a safe place. They been around
for a while. A lot of business(s) use them I know.
Or .... simply e-mail for a mailing address for me.
Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
No given amount of anything is ever too small
for anything or anyone.

~*~ Support our Military
~*~ Support our Law enforcement
~*~ Support our Fire and EMS
They are in harms
way to protect and serve
for YOU & ME
Stay tuned for another page,
hopefully soon!!
*I claim nothing to be mine.
Credit goes to respected artists.
If I have used anything
that you do not want here, please let me
know and I will remove it immediately.
It was NOT intentional.
"Thank you."