Joan Baez May You Stay Forever Young 1976.mp3

Susan Kistler, Publisher-Creator since 2001

Come on you guys and gals,
goodies ahead!! Hurry!!

Song today: Just recently a good friend
and I were speaking about our age and the
ages of dear parents, Aunts and Uncles.
Some struggling to remember and other
situations. This song just appeared for me.
So, thought I would include it today.
And yes, "May You Stay Forever Young."
We need to stay positive and be there for
those that are struggling.

And wouldn't you love to know what
this little cutie is looking at and thinking about.
Perhaps a big fat robin ready to find a worm?

What a awesome place to ponder. It looks so
quiet and peaceful.

This would maybe appear to be a medical
office waiting area? I do believe someone
left their bag behind - but then again in
the corner the stand looks a bit like what
an old sewing machine stand would look like?
Study that bench, interesting construction.

Pizza is ready!!

I would so love to have this in
our front yard in the landscape under
the American flag flying proud.

Holy smokes. Who can eat before
it melts?!!!

Just cutie deviled eggs.

Ahhh - the smell of Spring

Wow, what a cozy area!!
I want to be there now!

Dance Before The Lord
in the Power of His strength.
Praise His Holy Name.
Praise with all you say or think!
Pay homage to His Name
give to Him all Honor and Praise.
Declare Him before all men
...His Anthem raise!
Raise your voice and hands
to show mankind the Way
...Now is the time for the salvation
He offers to all today!
Yes, Dance Before The Lord Whom belongs all Glory!
Proclaim before all men
His life saving Story!
Virginia Archer

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Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
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