Andre Kostelanetz Love Me with All Your Heart.mp3

Thank you for joining me today. More than ever,
I feel we all need my pages for a diversion maybe?
Some happy, some silly, or just to be inspired?
Please share my pages. God bless us all.
Stay strong, life is precious.

** If music does not begin, click on
arrow on the left side of the above player.


Lets do Fall, Autumn, dogs,
kitties, animals and kids too!

I've been getting some good comments on this owl
section of my dose and I thank you. I was not sure
whether to include or not, but glad I did.
Thanks for emailing me.

Our front porch will get Winterized today. Freeze
warnings now and temps have dropped into the
50's during the day. I predict an early Winter.
Not liking that.

Requires no batteries


I sometimes quote others to
better express myself ...

At times we feel that life of others
is better than us. Is it? But,
we always forget that we are
also others for someone else.

It is one of God's greatest gifts to you, because
it's the magic that inspires you to keep
trying, learning, loving and living.
Choose ......


Breakfast time

And cookie time!

Tis the season



A wonderful website/blog
to check out!
Visit today!

Hello - I do accept donations to help pay for this
website. I would truly like to thank those that
have donated and continue to do so. It helps me
a lot and is most appreciated.
I could use free ones, but this one is very user
friendly for an ole fart like me, so I pay. It helps me make
these neat things happen on my pages. So, if you feel
led to donate, just click on the donate button above
and know that is my heart saying thank you if you do.
This is thru PayPal, a safe place. They been around
for a while. A lot of business(s) use them I know.
Or .... simply e-mail for a mailing address for me.
Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
No given amount of anything is ever too small
for anything or anyone.

Not once, but twice!

Hello - I do accept donations to help pay for this
website. I could use free ones, but this one is very user
friendly for an ole fart like me, so I pay. It helps me make
these neat things happen on my pages. So, if you feel
led to donate, just click on the donate button above
and know that is my heart saying thank you if you do.
This is thru PayPal, a safe place. They been around
for a while. A lot of business(s) use them I know.
Or .... simply e-mail for a mailing address for me.
Thank you again, hope you enjoyed.
No given amount of anything is ever too small
for anything or anyone.

Credit goes to respected artists.
If I have used anything
that you do not want here, please let me
know and I will remove it immediately.
It was NOT intentional.
"Thank you."